We Treat


We Treat as a Chronic Disease not as a Slimming Treatment

Obesity-Why Should This be a Disease?

As is the case with any disease, we have to go back and ask ourselves – does obesity impact health just like any disease? And therein lies the truth. It could increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. The causes of obesity are as varied as the people it affects. But first, let us address the elephant in the room - Obesity is a multifactorial and hormonal metabolic disorder. Multiple pathologies are at play at the same time resulting into:

  • Oxidative stress pathology
  • Insulin resistance
  • Associated hormonal disorders: hypothyroidism, PCOD, amongst others
  • Inflammation at the cellular level
  • Disturbed appetite control and gut-flora

Our Approach

Our treatments inhibit fatty infiltration in organs, thereby reducing organ ageing while increasing muscle strength and reducing further degeneration of tissues. Dr. Devkates Obesity Treatment is a holistic approach that lowers risks of heart disease, blood pressure, and diabetes, among others.